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Johnny Cash Anthology. Johnny Cash. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Johnny Cash Anthology. Johnny Cash. Klavír, zpěv, kytara noty. Hlas noty. Kytara noty.


Johnny Cash Anthology by Johnny Cash. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. Piano. Vocal. Guitar Artist Songbook. Softcover. 320 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.307259. ISBN 1458403467. 9x12 inches. Over 80 of the best from the Man in Black, arranged for piano and voice with chord frames. Songs. Ballad of a Teenage Queen. A Boy Named Sue. Cry, Cry, Cry. Daddy Sang Bass. Don't Take Your Guns to Town. Folsom Prison Blues. Get Rhythm. Highway Patrolman. I Walk the Line. I've Been Everywhere. Jackson. The Long Black Veil. The Man in Black. Orange Blossom Special. Ghost. Riders in the Sky. A Cowboy Legend. Ring of Fire. Solitary Man. Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down. Tennessee Flat Top Box. Wreck of the Old 97. You Win Again. and more. Come In, Stranger. Cry, Cry, Cry. Hey, Porter. Luther's Boogie. Luther Played The Boogie. So Doggone Lonesome. Girl From The North Country. Guess Things Happen That Way. After the Ball. See Ruby Fall. All Over Again. Give My Love To Rose. Blistered. Singin' In Vietnam Talkin' Blues. Bring The Boys Back Home. Bad News. The Rebel. The Ballad of Johnny Yuma. Without Love. The Big Battle. Frankie's Man, Johnny. What Do I Care. Busted. Bull Rider. Kate. Doin' My Time. There You Go. I'm Leavin' Now. It Ain't Me Babe. Ballad Of A Teenage Queen. Ballad Of Ira Hayes. Home Of The Blues. Train Of Love. The Shifting Whispering Sands. Legend Of John Henry's Hammer. Ballad Of Boot Hill. Big River. Daddy Sang Bass. A Boy Named Sue. Cocaine Blues. The Night Hank Williams Came To Town. Dark As A Dungeon. Don't Take Your Guns To Town. Katy Too. Second Honeymoon. It's Just About Time. When The Roses Bloom Again. Pickin' Time. Walking The Blues. Hit The Road And Go. I'm Gonna Sit On My Porch And Pick My Old Guitar. I'd Just Be Fool Enough. To Fall. Highway Patrolman. Five Feet High And Rising. Flesh And Blood. Folsom Prison Blues. Get Rhythm. Ghost. Riders In The Sky. A Cowboy Legend. Goodnight, Irene. I Got Stripes. I Still Miss Someone. I Walk The Line. I Will Rock And Roll With You. I've Been Everywhere. If I Were A Carpenter. Jackson. The Long Black Veil. I Heard That. Lonesome Whistle. The Man In Black. The One On The Right Is On The Left. One Piece At A Time. Oney. Orange Blossom Special. Ragged Old Flag. Ring Of Fire. San Quentin. Solitary Man. Sunday Mornin' Comin' Down. Tennessee Flat Top Box. Understand Your Man. What Is Truth. The Highwayman. Wreck Of The Old 97. You Win Again. No Expectations.


Johnny Cash Anthology Johnny Cash. Pro klavír. Vokální. Kytara. Plán. Vokální. Kytara Artist Songbook. Softcover. 320 stran. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.307259. ISBN 1458403467. 9x12 palců. Více než 80 nejlepších z muž v černém, zařídil pro klavír a hlas se akord rámy. Písně. Balada Dospívající královny. Boy Named Sue. Cry, Cry, Cry. Daddy Sang Bass. Neužívejte Guns to Town. Folsom Prison Blues. Get Rhythm. Dálnice Strážník. I Walk the Line. Byl jsem všude. Jackson. Long Black Veil. Muž v černém. Orange Blossom Special. Duch. Jezdci v oblacích. Cowboy Legend. Ring of Fire. Solitary Man. Neděle ráno 'Comin' Down. Tennessee Flat Top Box. Vrak Staré 97. Můžete vyhrát znovu. a více. Come In, Stranger. Cry, Cry, Cry. Ahoj, Porter. Lutherův Boogie. Luther Played The Boogie. Tak zatraceně Lonesome. Girl From The North Country. Hádej Věci se stát, že způsob,. Po plese. Viz Ruby Fall. All Over Again. Give My Love To Rose. Puchýře. Singin 've Vietnamu Talkin' Blues. Bring The Boys Back Home. Bad News. Rebel. The Ballad of Johnny Yuma. Bez lásky. The Big Battle. Frankieho Man, Johnny. Co je mi. Busted. Bull Rider. Kate. Děláš My Time. Tady to je. Jsem Leavin "Teď. To není Me Babe. Ballad Of A Teenage královny. Ballad Of Ira Hayes. Home Of The Blues. Train Of Love. Posouvání Whispering Sands. Legend Of Johna Henryho Hammer. Ballad Of Boot Hill. Big River. Daddy Sang Bass. Boy Named Sue. Kokain Blues. Night Hank Williams přijel do města. Tmavě As A Dungeon. Neužívejte Guns To Town. Katy příliš. Druhé líbánky. Je to jen o čase. Když Roses Bloom znovu. Pickin' Time. Chůze Blues. Hit The Road And Go. Sednu si na verandě a vyzvednout můj starý kytaru. Jen bych blázen,. To Fall. Dálnice Strážník. Pět stop vysoká a rostoucí. Flesh and Blood. Folsom Prison Blues. Get Rhythm. Duch. Jezdci In The Sky. Cowboy Legend. Dobrou noc, Irene. I Got Stripes. I přesto si ujít někoho. I Walk The Line. I Will Rock and Roll With You. Byl jsem všude. Jestliže já jsem byl tesař. Jackson. Long Black Veil. I Heard That. Lonesome Whistle. Man In Black. Ten vpravo je vlevo. One Piece At A Time. Oney. Orange Blossom Special. Ragged Old Flag. Ring Of Fire. San Quentin. Solitary Man. Neděle ráno 'Comin' Down. Tennessee Flat Top Box. Pochopte svého muže. Co je to pravda. Highwayman. Wreck Of The Old 97. Můžete vyhrát znovu. Žádné Očekávání.
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