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The Standards Real Book - Bb Edition. Various. Voice sheet music. B-Flat Instrument sheet music. Beginning.Překlad
Normy skutečná kniha - Bb Edition. Různý. Hlas noty. B-Flat nástroje noty. Začátek.Originál
The Standards Real Book - Bb Edition composed by Various. Edited by Chuck Sher. For Bb instrument and voice. This edition. spiral-bound. Almost 600 pages of world-famous Sher Music transcriptions. Don't go to the gig without it. Standards. Difficulty. easy-medium to medium. Fakebook. spiral bound. Vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, black & white photos and introductory text. 574 pages. Published by Sher Music Company. SR.SRBBB. ISBN 9781883217327. With vocal melody, lyrics, chord names, black & white photos and introductory text. Standards. 9x12 inches. Almost 600 pages of world-famous Sher Music transcriptions. Don't go to the gig without it. The best tunes of George Gershwin, Rodgers & Hart, Harold Arlen, Duke Ellington, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Hoagy Carmichael, Johnny Mercer, Horace Silver, Dietz & Schwartz, Burt Bacharach, Leonard Bernstein, Cole Porter, Michel Legrand, Van Heusen & Cahn, Johnny Mandel, Henry Mancini, AlecWilder, Sigmund Romberg, Vincent Youmans, Harry Warren, Michael McDonald, AND MANY MORE. ENDORSEMENTS "Singers. All of you should line up and kiss Chuck Sher's feet. For doing these genius fake books for us-I mean, a world without them is inconceivable. " Mark Murphy "The new Standards Real Book is really incredible. So many great songs, many of which one never sees printed. And like always in the books published by Sher Music Co., they are represented accurately. " Maria Schneider "Again you have done a beautiful job. I think the new book is terrific. I especially like the alternate chords. " Dave Frishberg "The Standards Real Book is a remarkable collection of great songs of the 20th Century. The editors deserve congratulations on this massive and entertaining volume of songs. " The Jazz Review "It's great to have the standards and more, done legally, clearly and accurately. More cheers to Sher Music taking care of necessary business for musicians. " Dave Liebman "Sher Music's Real Book series just keeps on getting better and better. The Standards Real Book is the closest thing in print to The Great American Song Book. " Mark Levine "The Standards Real Book is an incredible compilation. The accuracy, clarity and great taste of the Sher Music team have produced a volume of enormous importance. It is a new source for the far-ranging possibilities of this music that we love. " Richie Beirach. After You. Again. Agua De Beber. Water To Drink. Ain't No Sunshine. Alice in Wonderland. All About Ronnie. All My Tomorrows. All Of You. All The Way. All Through The Night. Alone Together. Am I Blue. And The Angels Sing. Anything Goes. As Time Goes By. As We Speak. At Last. At Long Last Love. Autumn Nocturne. Bag's Groove. Baltimore Oriole. A Beautiful Friendship. Begin The Beguine. Bess, You is My Woman. The Best is Yet to Come. Bewitched. Bidin' My Time. Blackberry Winter. Blue and Sentimental. Blue Gardenia. Blue Room. Blues In the Night. Bluesette. Born To Be Blue. But Not For Me. Caught Up In The Rapture. Charade. The Christmas Waltz. Close Enough For Love. Close To You. Come Fly With Me. The Continental. Cottontail. Crazy He Calls Me. Crazy Rhythm. Cute. Dancing in the Dark. Dancing On The Ceiling. Day In, Day Out. Days Of Wine And Roses. Dedicated To You. Deep Purple. The Dock Of The Bay. Don't Be Blue. Don't Worry 'Bout Me. Doodlin'. Doxy. Dream Dancing. Dreamsville. Easy To Love. Embraceable You. Everything Must Change. Falling in Love With Love. Fascinating Rhythm. A Felicidade. A Foggy Day. Forest Flower. From This Moment On. Get Here. Get Out Of Town. The Girl From Ipanema. Give Me The Simple Life. Good Bait. The Good Life. Have You Met Miss Jones. He Was Too Good To Me. Hello. Hey There. Hot House. A House Is Not A Home. How Do You Keep the Music Playing. How Insensitive. How Little We Know. How Long Has This Been Going On. I Can't Get Started. I Concentrate On You. I Could Write A Book. I Cover the Waterfront. I Didn't Know About You. I Didn't Know What Time It Was. I Get A Kick Out Of You. I Got Rhythm. I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues. I Guess I'll Have To Change My Plan. i Had The Craziest Dream. I Have The Feeling I've Been Here Before. I Love Paris. I Love You. I Loves You Porgy. I May Be Wrong. I Only Have Eyes For You. I Say A Little Prayer For You. I Want to Be Happy. I Was Doing All Right. I Will Be Here For You. I Will Wait For You. I Wish I Knew. I Wish I Were In Love Again. I'm A Fool To Want You. I'm Gonna Laugh You Right Out Of My Life. I've Got A Crush On You. I've got you Under My Skin. If There Is Someone Lovelier Than You. In The Days Of Our Love. In The Midnight Hour. Indian Summer. Isn't It A Pity. It Ain't Necessarily So. It Had To Be You. It Never Entered My Mind. It Was A Very Good Year. It's All Right With Me. It's De-Lovely. It's Magic. It's You Or No One. Johnny One Note. Just One Of Those Things. The Lady is a Tramp. Lester Leaps In. Let's Call The Whole Thing Off. Let's Do It. Li'l Darlin'. A Lot Of Living To Do. Love For Sale. Love Is A Many Splendored Thing. Love Me Or Leave Me. Love Speaks Louder Than Words. Love Walked In. Lover, Come Back To Me. Lucky To Be Me. Lullaby Of Broadway. Man I Love, The. The Man That Got Away. Meditation. Minute By Minute. Miss Otis Regrets. Moondance. The More I See You. Mountain Greenery. Mr. Lucky. My Funny Valentine. My Heart Stood Still. My Man's Gone Now. Nancy. With The Laughing Face. Nice Work If You Can Get It. Night and Day. Not Like This. Of Thee I Sing. Oh, Lady Be Good. The Old Country. Old Folks. On A Clear Day. On A Misty Night. One Hundred Ways. Our Delight. Our. Love Is Here To Stay. People Make The World Go Round. Piano in the Dark. Pick Up The Pieces. Please Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone. Put on a Happy Face. Real Love. Red Clay. Rockin' In Rhythm. 'round Midnight. 's Wonderful. Sabia. Saving All My Love For You. Secret Love. September In The Rain. Serenade In Blue. Shiny Stockings. Since I Fell For You. Slow Hot Wind. So In Love. So Nice. Summer Samba. Softly, As In a Morning Sunrise. Some Other Time. Somebody Loves Me. Someone To Watch Over Me. Something to Talk About. Sometimes I'm Happy. A Song for You. Soon. Soul Man. Stormy Weather. Strike Up The Band. Stuck On You. Suite. Judy Blue Eyes. The Summer Knows. Summer Night. Summertime. Sunny. Sure Enough. Sweet Georgia Brown. Take Five. Takin' It to the Streets. Tea For Two. Teach Me Tonight. That Certain Feeling. That Sunday. That Summer. That's What Friends Are For. Then I'll Be Tired Of You. There's A Small Hotel. There's No You. They All Laughed. They Can't Take That Away From Me. This Heart Of Mine. This Is Always. Those Eyes. Thou Swell. Through the Fire. Time After Time. A Time For Love. Time On My Hands. 'Tis Autumn. Tokyo Blues. Too Marvelous For Words. Too Much Sake. Trouble Is A Man. Twilight World. Two for the Road. Underdog, TheE. Until It's Time For You To Go. Until The Real Thing Comes Along. Valdez in the Country. Walk On By. Walkin'. We're In This Love Together. What a Fool Believes. What Am I Here For. What Is This Thing Called Love. What The World Needs Now Is Love. Wheelers & Dealers. When A Man Loves A Woman. When The World Was Young. When Your Lover Has Gone. Where Or When. Who Cares. Why Try To Change Me Now. With a Song in My Heart. You And The Night And The Music. You Are There. You Are Too Beautiful. You Do Something To Me. You Go To My Head. You Make Me Feel Brand New. You Make Me Feel So Young. You Taught My Heart To Sing. You Took Advantage Of Me. You'd Be So Nice to Come Home To. You'll Never Know. You're The Top. Yours Is My Heart Alone.Překlad
Standardy v reálném Book - Bb Edition složen Různé. Změněné Chuck Sher. Pro nástroje Bb a hlasu. Toto vydání. spirálovou vazbou. Téměř 600 stran světoznámých Sher Music přepisy. Nechoďte na koncert bez něj. Standardy. Obtížnost. easy-medium pro média. Fakebook. Kroužková vazba. Vokální melodie, texty, názvy akordů, černá. 574 stran. Vydal Sher Music Company. SR.SRBBB. ISBN 9781883217327. S vokální melodie, texty, názvy akordů, černá. Standardy. 9x12 palců. Téměř 600 stran světoznámých Sher Music přepisy. Nechoďte na koncert bez něj. Nejlepší melodie George Gershwina, Rodgers. POTVRZENÍ "Zpěváci. Každý z vás by se seřadí a políbit Chuck Sher nohy. Pro provedení těchto geniálních falešné knihy pro nás, myslím, svět bez nich je nemyslitelné. "Mark Murphy" nové standardy v reálném kniha je opravdu neuvěřitelné. Tolik skvělých písní, z nichž jedna mnohé nikdy nevidí vytisknout. A jako vždy v knihách vydaných Sher Music Co, oni jsou zastoupeny přesně. "Maria Schneider" Opět jste udělali skvělou práci. Myslím, že nová kniha je skvělá. Jsem především rád alternativní akordy. "Dave Frishberg" Standardy v reálném Kniha je pozoruhodná sbírka skvělých písní 20. století. Redakce si zaslouží gratulaci k této masivní a zábavnou objemu písní. "Jazz Review" Je to skvělé, že standardy a více, udělat legálně, jasně a přesně. Více na zdraví na Sher Music péči o potřebné činnosti pro hudebníky. "Dave Liebman" série Sher Music Real Book prostě pořád lepší a lepší. Normy Skutečné Kniha je nejbližší věc v tisku The Great American Song Book. "Mark Levine" Standardy v reálném Kniha je neuvěřitelné kompilace. Přesnost, jasnost a velkou chuť týmu Sher Music přinesly objem obrovský význam. Jedná se o nový zdroj pro dalekosáhlých možnostech této hudby, které máme rádi. "Richie Beirach. Po. Znovu. Pitná voda. Vodu na pití. Aint No Sunshine. Alenka v říši divů. Vše o Ronniem. Všechny mé zítřky. All Of You. All The Way. Celou noc. Alone Together. Am I Modrá. A Angels Sing. Anything Goes. Postupem času. Jak mluvíme. At Last. At Long Last Love. Podzimní Nocturne. Bag je Groove. Baltimore žluva. Krásné Přátelství. Začněte beguine. Bess, vy je má žena. Nejlepší teprve přijde. Očarovaný. Bidin 'My Time. Blackberry Zimní. Modrá a Sentimental. Modrá Gardenia. Modrý pokoj. Blues In The Night. Bluesette. Born To Be modrá. Ale ne pro mě. Caught Up In The Rapture. Šaráda. Christmas Waltz. Close Enough For Love. Close To You. No Fly With Me. Continental. Cottontail. Bláznivý On mě volá. Bláznivý Rhythm. Roztomilý. Dancing in the Dark. Dancing On The Ceiling. Day In, Day Out. Dny vína a růží. Dedicated To You. Deep Purple. Dock Of The Bay. Nebuď modrá. Nebojte se 'Bout Me. Doodlin ". Milenka. Dream Dancing. Dreamsville. Easy To Love. Embraceable jste. Všechno se musí změnit. Falling in Love With Love. Fascinující rytmus. Felicidade. Foggy Day. Forest Flower. Od tohoto okamžiku. Získat zde. Get Out Of Town. Girl From Ipanema. Give Me The Simple Life. Dobrý Bait. The Good Life. Setkali jste se slečno Jonesová. Byl příliš dobré pro mě. Ahoj. Hey There. Hot dům. Dům není Domů. Jak si udržet přehrávání hudby. Jak Necitlivost. Jak málo víme. Jak dlouho se to děje. Nemůžu Začínáme. I Soustřeďte se na vás. Mohl bych napsat knihu. I Zakryjte Waterfront. Nevěděl jsem o vás. Nevěděl jsem, kolik je hodin. I Get A Kick Out Of You. I Got Rhythm. I Gotta Right To Sing The Blues. Myslím, že budu muset změnit svůj plán. Měl jsem nejbláznivější sen. Mám pocit, že jsem tu byl. Miluji Paříž. Miluji tě. I Loves You Porgy. Možná se mýlím. Já mám oči jen pro vás. I Say A Little Prayer For You. I Wanna Be happy. Dělal jsem vše Právo. Budu tady pro vás. I Will Wait For You. I Wish I Knew. I Wish I Were In Love Again. Jsem blázen, že budete chtít. Budu se smát, můžete přímo z mého života. Já jsem dostal Crush On You. Mám tě Under My Skin. Pokud je tu někdo roztomilejší než vy. Ve dnech naší lásky. In The Midnight Hour. Babí léto. Není to škoda. To není nutně tak. To muselo být vy. To nikdy nevstoupila My Mind. To byl velmi dobrý rok. Je to v pořádku se mnou. Je to De-Lovely. Je to kouzlo. Je to Vy nebo No One. Johnny One Note. Jen jedna z těch věcí. Lady je Tramp. Lester Skoky V. Říkejme celou věc Off. Pojďme na to. Li'l Darlin '. Lot Of Living dělat. Prodejná láska. Love Is Mnoho Splendored Thing. Love Me Or Leave Me. Láska mluví hlasitěji než slova. Láska chodil. Lover, Come Back To Me. Lucky To Be Me. Lullaby Of Broadway. Man I Love,. Muž, který utekl. Rozjímání. Minutu po minutě. Slečna Otis lituje. Moondance. Více I See You. Mountain zeleň. Mr. Lucky. My Funny Valentine. Mé srdce se zastavil. Můj muž je pryč. Nancy. With The Laughing Face. Pěkná práce, pokud můžete dostat. Ve dne v noci. Takhle ne. O tobě zpívám. Oh, Lady Be Good. Old Country. Staré lidi. Za jasného dne. Na mlhavé noci. One Hundred Ways. Naše Delight. Our. Love Is Here To Stay. Lidé Udělat svět jít kolem. Piano in the Dark. Pick Up The Pieces. Prosím, nemluv na mě, když já jsem pryč. Dejte o Happy Face. Opravdová láska. Red Clay. Rockin 'In Rhythm. 'Round Midnight. 'S Wonderful. Sabia. Uložení All My Love For You. Tajná láska. Září v dešti. Serenade In Blue. Lesklé punčochy. Protože jsem Fell For You. Slow Hot Wind. So In Love. So Nice. Summer Samba. Tiše, jako v ranní slunce. Some Other Time. Někdo miluje mě. Někdo hlídat mě. O čem povídat. Někdy jsem šťastná. Píseň pro Vás. Brzy. Duše Man. Bouřlivé počasí. Strike Up The Band. Stuck On You. Souprava. Judy Blue Eyes. Letní ví. Summer Night. Summertime. Slunný. Jistě dost. Sladké Georgia Brown. Vezměte pět. Takin 'It na ulicích. Čaj pro dva. Teach Me Tonight. Že určitý pocit. Že v neděli. To léto. To je to, co jsou přátelé. Pak budu Tired Of You. K dispozici je malé Hotel. Je tu žádné Vy. Všichni se zasmáli. Nemohou Take That Away From Me. To Heart Of Mine. To je vždy. Tyto Eyes. Ty Swell. Prostřednictvím Fire. Znovu a znovu. Time For Love. Time On My Hands. 'Tis podzim. Tokio Blues. Příliš Úžasné slova. Příliš mnoho Sake. Potíž je v tom Man. Twilight World. Dva na cestě. Underdog, tobě. Dokud je čas, aby ses. Do The Real Thing přichází spolu. Valdez v zemi. Walk On By. Walkin '. Jsme v tom společně lásce. Jaký blázen věří. Co jsem tady pro. Co je to za věc volala lásku. Co potřeby světa teď je láska. Koláři. Když muž miluje ženu. Když svět byl mladý. V případě, že váš milenec Gone. Kdy a kde. Co na tom. Proč Zkuste změnit Me Now. S písní v mém srdci. You And Night And The Music. Vy jste tam. Jste moc krásná. Můžete udělat něco ke mně. Můžete Go To My Head. Můžete Make Me Feel Brand New. Můžete Make Me Feel So Young. Učil jsi mé srdce zpívat. Využil jsi mě. Ty by tak hezké vrátit se domů k. Už nikdy nebudete vědět. Jsi Top. Yours Is My Heart Alone.Populární požadavky