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Parking Lot Picker's Songbook - Guitar. Dix Bruce. Acoustic Guitar sheet music. Flatpicking Guitar sheet music.


Parkoviště Picker je Songbook - kytara. Dix Bruce. Akustická kytara noty. Flatpicking kytara noty.


Parking Lot Picker's Songbook - Guitar composed by Dix Bruce. For Guitar. Flatpick. Wire bound, Songbook. Parking Lot Pickers. Bluegrass. Multiple Levels. Book. 2-CD Set. 304 pages. Published by Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96864BCD. ISBN 9780786674985. Bluegrass. 8.75 x 11.75 inches. A collection of over 200 great Bluegrass, Old Time, Country and Gospel standards. Melodies are presented with standard notation and tablature along with lyrics and chords. Learn to play songs written and recorded by the giants of traditional American music. Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatt & Scruggs, Ralph Stanley, The Osborne Brothers, Jimmy Martin, Doc Watson and many more. Also included. Step-by-Step instruction on how to transpose any song to any key. The two CDs include recordings of EVERY song in the book. A Beautiful Life. A Short Life of Trouble. All The Good Times. Amazing Grace. Angel Band. Angelina Baker. Angels Rock Me To Sleep. Are You From Dixie. Are You Washed in the Blood of the Lamb. Arkansas Traveller. Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party. Away In A Manger. Banks Of The Ohio. Beautiful Star Of Bethlehem. Bile Them Cabbage Down. Black Eyed susie. Blue Ridge Mountain Blues. Bound To Ride. Bright Morning Stars. Bring Back to Me My Wandering Boy. Buffalo Gals. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Can't You Hear Me Callin'. Careless Love. Children Go Where I Send Thee. Cindy. Columbus Stockade Blues. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cowboy Jack. Cripple Creek. Crying Holy. Daniel Prayed. Danny Boy. Darling Corey. Darling Nellie Gray. Darling Will You Ever Think of Me. Deep Elem Blues. Diamonds In The Rough. Do Lord. Don't Let Your Deal Go Down. Don't This Road Look Rough and Rocky. Don't You Hear Jerusalem Moan. Down Among the Budded Roses. Down in the valley to Pray. Down In The Willow Garden. Down the road. Drifting Too Far From the Shore. East Virginia Blues. Fair And Tender Ladies. Fathers Have a Home Sweet Home. Feast Here Tonight. Footprints in the Snow. Give Me Oil in My Lamp. Give Me the Roses While I Live. Going Down This Road Feeling Bad. Grandfather's Clock. Great Speckled Bird. Green Pastures. Groundhog. Hallelujah. I'm Ready. Hand Me Down My Walking Cane. Handsome Molly. Hard Times, Come Again No More. Have Thine Own Way, Lord. He Was A Friend Of Mine. He Will Set Your Fields On Fire. High on a Mountain. Highway of Sorrow. Hills of Roane County. His Eye Is On The Sparrow. Hold Fast to the Right. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand. HOme Sweet Home. Honey in the Rock. Hop High Ladies. Hot Corn, Cold Corn. How Can You Treat Me So. I Ain't Gonna Work Tomorrow. I Know You Rider. I Never Will Marry. I Shall Not Be Moved. I Wonder How the Old Folks are at Home. I'll Be All Smiles Tonight. I'll Fly Away. I'm Working On A Building. In the Garden. In The Pines. It's Mighty Dark To Travel. Jesse James. Jimmie Brown, the Newsboy. John Hardy. John Henry. Jordan. Just A Closer Walk With Thee. Just As I Am. Just Over In The Gloryland. Katy Cline. Katy Daley. Katy Dear. Keep On the Sunnyside. Knoxville Girl. Late Last Night. Leave It There. Let Me Rest at the End of My Journey. Li'l Liza Jane. Life's Railway to Heaven. Little Annie. Little Bessie. Little Birdie. Little Maggie. Little Old Log Cabin in the Lane. Little Rosewood Casket. Little Sadie. Little Willie. Lonesome Valley. Long Journey Home. Lord, I'm Coming Home. Mama Don't Allow. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Methodist Pie. Midnight On The Stormy Deep. Milwaukee Blues. Molly and Tenbrooks. My Home's Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Little Georgia Rose. New River Train. Nine Pound Hammer. Nobody's Business. Oh Death. Oh. Didn't He Ramble. Old Dan Tucker. Old Home Place. Old Joe Clark. Old Man at the Mill. Old Paint. Old Time Religion. On And On. Over the Hills to the Poorhouse. Pass Me Not. Paul and Silas. Pig In A Pen. Poor Ellen Smith. Precious Memories. Pretty Polly. Put My Little Shoes Away. Railroad Bill. Rain And Snow. Rank Strangers to Me. Red Rocking Chair. Red Wing. Reuben's Train. Rocky Top. Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms. Roll On Buddy. Roving Gambler. Sailor On The Deep Blue Sea. Sally Goodin. Shady Grove. Bluegrass Style. Shady Grove. Old Time Style. Shall We Gather At The River. Shortenin' Bread. Silver Threads Among The Gold. Sitting On Top Of The World. Softly And Tenderly. Somebody Touched Me. Standing in the Need of Prayer. Sugar Hill. Sweet By And By. Sweet Sunny South. Swing Low, Sweet Chariot. Take This Hammer. Talk About Sufferin'. The Bluebirds are Singing for Me. The Bully Of The Town. The Church In The Wildwood. The Crawdad Song. The Cuckoo. The Foggy Mountain Top. The Girl I Loved in Sunny Tennessee. The Letter Edged In Black. The Maple on the Hill. The Old Rugged Cross. The Train That Carried My Girl From Town. The Unclouded Day. The Wayfaring Stranger. The Wreck of the Old 97. There's More Pretty Girls Than One. They Gotta Quit Kickin' My Dawg Aroun'. This Little Light of Mine. This Train. This World Is Not My Home. Train 45. Wabash Cannonball. Walk In Jerusalem Just Like John. Walking In My Sleep. What a Friend We Have in Jesus. When I Die. When I Lay My Burden Down. When My Race is Run. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder. When The Saints Go Marching In. When The Work's All Done This Fall. When You And I Were Young Maggie. Where The Soul Never Dies. Where You There When They Crucified My Lord. Whitehouse Blues. Who Broke the Lock. Who Will Sing for Me. Wild Bill Jones. Wildwood Flower. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Will There Be Any Stars In My Crown. Willie My Darling. Worried Man Blues. You're a Flower Blooming in the Wildwood.


Parking Lot Picker Songbook - Guitar složen Dix Bruce. Pro kytaru. Flatpick. Wire vázán, zpěvník. Parkovací plocha v areálu pokladů. Bluegrass. Více Úrovně. Kniha. 2 CD Set. 304 stran. Vydal Mel Bay Publications, Inc. MB.96864BCD. ISBN 9780786674985. Bluegrass. 8.75 x 11,75 palců. Sbírka více než 200 velké Bluegrass, Old Time, Země a evangelijních norem. Melodie jsou prezentovány s standardní notaci a tabulatury spolu s texty a akordy. Naučte se hrát písně psaný a zaznamenaný obrů tradiční americké hudby. Bill Monroe, The Stanley Brothers, Flatta. Také zahrnutý. Krok-za-krokem instrukce o tom, jak provést jakoukoli skladbu na libovolnou klávesu. Dvě CD obsahují nahrávky každé písně v knize. Beautiful Life. Krátký život Trouble. All Good Times. Amazing Grace. Anděl pásmo. Angelina Baker. Angels Rock Me To Sleep. Jste z Dixie. Jste prát v krvi Beránkově. Arkansas Traveller. Tety Dinah v Prošívání strana. Pryč do jeslí. Břehy Ohia. Krásné Betlémská hvězda. Žluči jim zelí dolů. Black Eyed Susie. Blue Ridge Mountain Blues. Bound To Ride. Bright Morning Stars. Bring Back to Me My Wandering Boy. Buffalo holky. Bury Me Beneath The Willow. C-H-I-C-K-E-N. Nelze Slyšíš mě volat ". Neopatrný Láska. Děti tam, kde jsem Tě Odeslat. Cindy. Columbus palisáda Blues. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Cowboy Jack. Cripple Creek. Plačící svatý. Daniel se modlil. Danny Boy. Darling Corey. Darling Nellie Gray. Darling Budete někdy, že o mně. Hluboké Elem Blues. Diamonds In The Rough. Líbí se Hospodinu. Nedopusťte, aby váš úděl Dolů. Nenechte si tato cesta vypadat hrubě a Rocky. Neslyšíš Jeruzalém Moan. Dolů Mezi pupeny růží. Dole v údolí se modlit. Down In The Willow zahradě. Po silnici. Drifting příliš daleko od pobřeží. East Virginia Blues. Fair A Tender Ladies. Otcové Mít Home Sweet Home. Svátek dnes večer. Footprints in the Snow. Dej mi olej v mém lampa. Dej mi ty růže, dokud jsem živ. Chystáte se v tomto směru špatný pocit. Dědeček hodiny. Velká kropenatý pták. Zelené pastviny. Groundhog. Aleluja. Jsem připraven. Podej Me Down My Walking Cane. Hezký Molly. Hard Times, No Again No More. Už tvého cesta, Pane. On byl přítel dolu. Bude Nastavte si Pole On Fire. Vysoko na hoře. Highway of Sorrow. Kopce Roane County. Jeho oko je na Sparrow. Držte se pevně k právu. Držte Boží neměnný ruce. Home Sweet Home. Med ve skále. Hop High Ladies. Hot Corn, Cold Corn. Jak se můžete léčit Me So. I nebude fungovat zítra. Vím, že jsi Rider. Nikdy jsem Will Marry. Jsem se nepohnul. Zajímalo by mě, jak staří lidé jsou doma. Budu Smiles Dnes. Budu Fly Away. Já jsem pracoval na budovy. V zahradě. In The Pines. Je to mocný Tmavě cestovat. Jesse James. Jimmy Brown, Newsboy. John Hardy. John Henry. Jordán. Jen Closer Walk With Thee. Stejně jako já jsem. Just Over In The Gloryland. Katy Cline. Katy Daley. Katy Milý. Keep On The Sunnyside. Knoxville Girl. Late Last Night. Nechte ho tam. Let Me zastaví na konci mé cesty. Li'l Liza Jane. Život je železnice do nebe. Malý Annie. Malý Bessie. Malý ptáček. Malá Maggie. Malý starý srub v Lane. Malý Rosewood rakev. Malý Sadie. Malý Willie. Lonesome Valley. Long Journey Home. Pane, vracím se domů. Maminka to nedovolí. Man Of Constant Sorrow. Metodistická Pie. O půlnoci Bouřlivé žlebu. Milwaukee Blues. Molly a Tenbrooks. Můj domov je Across The Blue Ridge Mountains. My Little Georgia Rose. New River Train. Nine Pound Hammer. Nikdo firmy. Oh Death. Ó. Copak si Ramble. Old Dan Tucker. Old Home Place. Old Joe Clark. Starý muž u mlýna. Old Paint. Old Time Religion. Dál a dál. Za kopci do chudobince. Heslo Me Not. Pavel a Silas. Prase v kotci. Poor Ellen Smith. Drahé vzpomínky. Pretty Polly. Dejte My Little boty Venku. Railroad Bill. Déšť a sníh. Pořadí cizinci ke mně. Červený houpací křeslo. Red Wing. Vlak Reuben je. Rocky Top. Roll v mé sladké dítě Arms. Roll On Buddy. Roving Gambler. Sailor On The Deep Blue Sea. Sally Goodin. Shady Grove. Bluegrass Style. Shady Grove. Old Time Style. Budeme se shromáždí u řeky. Shortenin "Chléb. Stříbrné nitě mezi Gold. Sedí na vrcholu světa. Jemně a něžně. Někdo se dotýkal mě. Stál v tísni modliteb. Sugar Hill. Sladké By a. Sladké Sunny South. Swing Low Sweet Chariot. Vezměte kladivo. Talk About sufferin ". V Bluebirds jsou Zpívání pro mě. Bully Of The Town. Kostel V pralesa. Crawdad Song. Cuckoo. Foggy Mountain Top. Dívka jsem miloval Sunny Tennessee. Dopis lemované Black. Maple on the Hill. Staré Robustní kříž. Vlak, který provedl Moje holka z města. Mráčku den. Wayfaring Stranger. Vrak staré 97. K dispozici je více Pretty Girls než jeden. Oni Musím přestat kickin "My Dawg otočila". Tento malý Light of Mine. Tento vlak. Tento svět není můj domov. Vlak 45. Wabash Cannonball. Procházka v Jeruzalémě, stejně jako John. Chůze ve spánku. Co přítele jsme v Ježíši. Když jsem Die. Když jsem Lay My Burden Down. Když je můj závod Run. Když je Roll Called Up Yonder. Když Saints Go Marching V. Při práci je hotovo letos na podzim. Když You And I Were Young Maggie. Kde duše Never Dies. Kde jsi tam, když ukřižovali Můj Pane. Whitehouse Blues. Kdo rozbil zámek. Kdo bude zpívat pro mě. Wild Bill Jones. Wildwood Flower. Will The Circle Be Unbroken. Budou nějaké hvězdy v mé koruně. Willie My Darling. Starosti Man Blues. Jsi květina kvetoucí v Wildwood.
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