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CliffsNotes to Guitar Songs. Chad Johnson. Guitar Tablature sheet music.


CliffsNotes na kytaru písně. Chad Johnson. Kytara Tablature noty.


CliffsNotes to Guitar Songs for Guitar. Guitar Riffs. Softcover. Guitar tablature. 160 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.702987. ISBN 1458421279. With guitar tablature. 9x12 inches. Sometimes you don't want to read the whole novel. you just want know the gist. The same can be said for songs. Most classic guitar songs contain unforgettable riffs – that signature hook that everyone wants to know. It's the first thing you think of when you hear the title of the song. Of course, the notes are only half the story. It won't sound right without the proper tone, so it helps to know a good bit about the equipment used as well. Background information on the artist is always helpful as well. That's where CliffsNotes to Guitar Songs comes in. In this book, you'll not only learn the signature riffs of 150 guitar classics, you'll also learn invaluable information for each, including. equipment and tone info. biographical information on the artist. song and album facts. theoretical analysis. performance tips. and more. From hard rock, metal, and punk to folk and old time rock 'n' roll, there's something here for everyone. Best of all, you'll be cranking out dozens of timeless riffs in no time. Learn nearly 150 riffs, including. All Day and All of the Night. Aqualung. Back in Black. Barracuda. Beat It. Born to Be Wild. Brown Eyed Girl. Cheap Sunglasses. Come As You Are. Crazy Train. Dust in the Wind. Every Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Free Ride. Iris. Iron Man. La Grange. Layla. Monkey Wrench. Peter Gunn. Pride and Joy. Smells like Teen Spirit. Smoke on the Water. Sunshine of Your Love. Walk This Way. Welcome to the Jungle. You Really Got Me. and more. American Woman. More Than A Feeling. Spoonman. Come Out And Play. Shine. Since You've Been Gone. Panama. Girls, Girls, Girls. Ain't Talkin' 'Bout Love. Get Ready. Love Song. Hocus Pocus. Godzilla. Don't Fear The Reaper. Say It Ain't So. Seventeen. Blitzkrieg Bop. Heaven. All Day And All Of The Night. All Right Now. Space Truckin'. Smoke On The Water. Pride And Joy. You Were Meant For Me. Song 2. Monkey Wrench. Trust. Slow Ride. Look-Ka-Py Py. Iris. Brain Stew. The Godzilla Remix. La Grange. Super Freak. Drive. Rock Lobster. Aqualung. The Zoo. Breaking The Chains. Can't Stop. Cheap Sunglasses. Boom Boom. Her Strut. Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You. No One Knows. Money. Cochise. Kryptonite. Man On The Silver Mountain. Stone In Love. Personal Jesus. Barracuda. Beat It. The House of the Rising Sun. Behind Blue Eyes. Born To Be Wild. Born Under A Bad Sign. Breaking The Law. Beast And The Harlot. La Bamba. Brown Eyed Girl. Carry On Wayward Son. School's Out. Message In A Bottle. Come As You Are. Paranoid. Cold Gin. Couldn't Stand The Weather. Crazy Train. Cross Road Blues. Crossroads. Day Tripper. Dust In The Wind. 18 And Life. Even Flow. Every Breath You Take. Eye of the Tiger. Foolin'. Girl U Want. Frankenstein. Free Ride. Funk #49. Gimme Three Steps. Hit Me With Your Best Shot. Hot Blooded. I Feel Fine. I Love Rock 'N Roll. Iron Man. Is This Love. Jack And Diane. Jailbreak. Killing Floor. Layla. Le Freak. Life In The Fast Lane. Mama, I'm Coming Home. Man In The Box. Money For Nothing. More Than Words. My Girl. Norwegian Wood. This Bird Has Flown. Oh, Pretty Woman. Owner of a Lonely Heart. Paperback Writer. Peter Gunn. Rebel, Rebel. Rebel Yell. Rhiannon. Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo. Saturday Night's Alright. For Fighting. Secret Agent Man. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Start Me Up. Stayin' Alive. Still Of The Night. Stone Cold Crazy. Sunday Bloody Sunday. Sunshine of Your Love. Susie-Q. Sweet Child O' Mine. Sweet Emotion. Sweet Home Alabama. Sweet Leaf. Talk Dirty To Me. Tears In Heaven. The Trooper. 25 Or 6 To 4. Wake Up Little Susie. Walk This Way. Wanted Dead Or Alive. Welcome to the Jungle. The Attitude Song. Too Rolling Stoned. Hold On Loosely. Bad To The Bone. Hangar 18. Silent Lucidity. Cult Of Personality. Hells Bells. Are You Gonna Go My Way. Raining Blood. Refugee. Plush. Bring It On Home. The Lemon Song. You Really Got Me. Outshined. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Bend. Back In Black. A Hazy Shade Of Winter. Dr. Feelgood.


CliffsNotes na kytaru písně na kytaru. Kytarové riffy. Softcover. Kytara tablature. 160 stran. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.702987. ISBN 1458421279. S kytarových značek. 9x12 palců. Někdy nechcete číst celý román. si jen chcete vědět, podstatu. Totéž lze říci o písních. Většina klasických kytarových skladeb obsahuje nezapomenutelné riffy - ten podpis háček, že každý chce vědět,. Je to první věc, kterou si myslíte, že když slyšíte skladbu,. Samozřejmě, že poznámky jsou jen polovina příběhu. Bude to znít přímo bez správného tónu, takže je dobré vědět, dobré něco o použitém zařízení, jakož. Základní informace o umělce je vždy užitečné, jakož. To je místo, kde CliffsNotes na kytaru písně přichází v. V této knize se naučíte nejen podpis riffy z 150 kytarových klasiky, budete také dozvíte cenné informace pro každého, včetně. zařízení a tón info. životopisné údaje o umělci. píseň a album fakta. teoretická analýza. Tipy pro výkon. a více. Od hard rock, metal a punk lidové a staré časové rock 'n' rollu, je tu něco, co zde pro každého. Nejlepší ze všeho je, budete se dostával z desítky nadčasové riffy v žádném okamžiku. Dozvědět se téměř 150 riffy, včetně. Celý den a celou noci. Akvalung. Back in Black. Barracuda. Vypadni. Born to Be Wild. Brown Eyed Girl. Levné sluneční brýle. Come As You Are. Šílený vlak. Prach ve větru. Každý Breath si vzít. Eye of the Tiger. Free Ride. Kosatec. Iron Man. La Grange. Layla. Francouzský klíč. Peter Gunn. Pride and Joy. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Kouř na vodě. Sunshine of Your Love. Walk This Way. Vítejte v džungli. Můžete Really Got Me. a více. American Woman. More Than A Feeling. Spoonman. Come Out And Play. Lesk. Vzhledem k tomu, co jsi pryč. Panama. Holky, holky, holky. Není Talkin '' Bout láska. Připravit. Love Song. Hocus Pocus. Godzilla. Nebojte se Reaper. Řekni, že to tak není. Sedmnáct. Blitzkrieg Bop. Nebe. Celý den a celou Of The Night. All Right Now. Space Truckin ". Smoke On The Water. Pride and Joy. Ty byly určeny pro mě. Song 2. Francouzský klíč. Důvěra. Slow Ride. Podívejte se, Ka-Py Py. Kosatec. Brain Stew. Godzilla Remix. La Grange. Super Freak. Pohon. Skalní Lobster. Akvalung. Zoo. Prolomit řetězy. Nelze zastavit. Levné sluneční brýle. Boom Boom. Její Strut. Zlato, já tě opustím. No One Knows. Peníze. Cochise. Kryptonite. Man On The Silver Mountain. Kámen In Love. Personal Jesus. Barracuda. Vypadni. Dům vycházejícího slunce. Behind Blue Eyes. Born To Be Wild. Born Under A Bad Sign. Breaking The Law. Beast a nevěstkou. La Bamba. Brown Eyed Girl. Carry On Wayward Syna. Z školy. Poselství v láhvi. Come As You Are. Paranoidní. Cold Gin. Nesnesl Počasí. Šílený vlak. Cross Road Blues. Křižovatka. Day Tripper. Dust In The Wind. 18 A Life. Dokonce Flow. Každý Breath si vzít. Eye of the Tiger. Srandu ". Girl U Want. Frankenstein. Free Ride. Испуг. Dej mi tři kroky. Hit Me se svými nejlepšími Shot. Hot Blooded. I Feel Fine. I Love Rock 'N Roll. Iron Man. Je to láska. Jack a Diane. Útěk z vězení. Killing Floor. Layla. Le Freak. Život v rychlém pruhu. Mami, vracím se domů. Man In The Box. Money For Nothing. Více než slova. My Girl. Norwegian Wood. Tento pták letěl. Oh, Pretty Woman. Vlastník Lonely Heart. Paperback Writer. Peter Gunn. Rebel, Rebel. Rebel Yell. Rhiannon. Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo. Sobota v noci v pořádku. Pro Fighting. Secret Agent Man. Smells Like Teen Spirit. Start Me Up. Stayin 'živý. Still Of The Night. Stone Cold Bláznivý. Neděle krvavá neděle. Sunshine of Your Love. Susie-Q. Moje sladké dítě O '. Sladké Emotion. Sweet Home Alabama. Sladké Leaf. Talk Dirty To Me. Tears In Heaven. Trooper. 25 nebo 6 To 4. Wake Up Malá Susie. Walk This Way. Chtěl mrtvý nebo živý. Vítejte v džungli. Attitude Song. Příliš Rolling Stoned. Hold On volně. Bad To The Bone. Hangar 18. Silent Lucidity. Kult osobnosti. Hells Bells. Vy jste Gonna Go My Way. Prší krev. Uprchlík. Plyš. Bring It On Home. Lemon Song. Můžete Really Got Me. Outshined. Rock You Like A Hurricane. Up Around The Bend. Back In Black. Hazy Shade Of Winter. Dr. Feelgood.
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