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Through the Years - The Songs of Steve Dorff. Steve Dorff. Piano, Vocal, Guitar sheet music. Voice sheet music. Guitar sheet music.


Prostřednictvím let - Písně Steve Dorff. Steve Dorff. Klavír, zpěv, kytara noty. Hlas noty. Kytara noty.


Through the Years - The Songs of Steve Dorff composed by Steve Dorff. For Piano. Vocal. Guitar. G Composer Collection. Softcover. 120 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. HL.313496. ISBN 1423493788. 9x12 inches. Three-time Grammy nominee and a fixture on the nation's charts, Steve Dorff's dossier includes nine #1 film songs and 15 Top 10 hits, including the Kenny Rogers' classic “Through the Years,” a BMI 3 million performance song, as well as “I Just Fall in Love Again,” the Anne Murray record that captured Billboard's #1 Song of the Year honors. His many songs have been sung by some of the greatest artists of our time – Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, George Strait, Vanessa Williams and countless others. In addition to winning the NSAI Songwriter of the Year award, Dorff has also been honored with more than 40 BMI, and 11 Billboard #1 awards. This folio features 20 of his best, including. Any Which Way You Can. As Long as We Got Each Other. Every Which Way but Loose. Heartland. I Just Fall in Love Again. Lasso the Moon. The Man in Love with You. Spenser for Hire. Take Good Care of My Heart. Through the Years. and more, plus a biography and photos. She Used To Be Mine. The Man In Love With You. My Heart Will Never Know. Lasso The Moon. Hypnotize The Moon. Through The Years. Take Good Care Of My Heart. Swept Away. Heartland. Another Honky Tonk Night On Broadway. Any Which Way You Can. As Long As We Got Each Other. Higher Ground. Miracle. Coca Cola Cowboy. Cowboys And Clowns. Don't Underestimate My Love For You. Pacific Sunrise. Rose Hill Suite. The World From Way Up Here. Annabelle's Wish. I'll Wake You Up When I Get Home. Every Which Way But Loose. I Cross My Heart. I Don't Think I'm Ready For You. I Just Fall In Love Again. Spenser For Hire.


Through the Years - The Songs of Steve Dorff composed by Steve Dorff. Pro klavír. Vokální. Kytara. G Composer Collection. Softcover. 120 stran. Vydal Hal Leonard. HL.313496. ISBN 1423493788. 9x12 palců. Трехкратный Грэмми номинант и креплением на картах страны, досье Стива Дорфф включает девять. Jeho mnoho písní byly zpívány některými z největších umělců naší doby - Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, George Strait, Vanessa Williams a bezpočet dalších. В дополнение к победе NSAI автор песен года награду, Дорфф также был удостоен более 40 ИМТ, и 11 Billboard. Tato folie je vybaven 20 z jeho nejlepších, včetně. Jakékoliv Který způsob, jak můžete. Tak dlouho, jak jsme se navzájem. Každý která cesta ale Loose. Heartland. I Just Fall in Love Again. Lasso Měsíce. Muž v lásce s vámi. Spenser k pronájmu. Postarejte se o mého srdce. Prostřednictvím let. and more, plus a biography and photos. Bývala Mine. Man In Love With You. My Heart Will Never Know. Lasso The Moon. Hypnotize Měsíce. V průběhu let. Postarejte se o mého srdce. Swept Away. Heartland. Další Honky Tonk Night On Broadway. Jakékoliv Který způsob, jak můžete. As Long As We Got Each Other. Higher Ground. Zázrak. Coca Cola Cowboy. Kovbojové a klauni. Nepodceňujte My Love For You. Pacifické slunce. Rose Hill Suite. Svět z až sem. Annabelle je přání. Vzbudím tě, když se dostanu domů. Každý která cesta ale Loose. I Cross My Heart. Nemyslím si, že jsem pro vás připraven. I Just Fall In Love Again. Spenser k pronájmu.
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