
Partitury $4.66


Lisa Bastien And Lori Bastien. Lines And Spaces Note Speller. Book.


Lisa Bastien a Lori Bastien. Řádky a mezery Poznámka speller. Kniha.


Bastien Theory Boosters will launch your students to new heights of theory success. Each activity book focuses on a single theory concept using puzzles, mazes, games, riddles, and more to fuel your students' natural love of learning and the enjoyment of mastering their instrument. Lines And Spaces Note Speller expands students' note mastery to twenty-four notes on the grand staff while continuing to emphasize the relationship between notes on the staff and keys on the Piano.


Bastien Teorie Boostery zahájí své studenty do nových výšin teorie úspěchu. Každá činnost kniha se zaměřuje na jediné teorie konceptu pomocí hádanky, bludiště, hry, hádanky, a další na pohonné hmoty váš studentů přirozenou lásku k učení a radost z zvládnutí jejich nástroje. Lines And Spaces Note Speller expands students' note mastery to twenty-four notes on the grand staff while continuing to emphasize the relationship between notes on the staff and keys on the Piano.
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