
Texty: Absu. Between The Absu Of Eridu & Erech.

An empty void will always enlarge itself
It stretches from the nether waters inside
As the chaos lives again: vapors condense
Ushum-Gal allots the beasts to the chantry


The waters twist and turn
The malign sprite dances

The natural fiend strikes
The bottom of the sea

How deep the engulfment sleeps?
And the chasm, how deep?

How deep the engrossment haunts?
And the gulch, how deep?

The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Eridu:
It will call the temples
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Erech:
It will call the mountains

The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Eridu:
It will call the temples
The bedlam is always wide awake
And the chaos alive
Between The Absu of Erech:
It will call the mountains

An empty void will always enlarge itself
It stretches from the nether waters inside
As the chaos lives again: vapors condense
Ushum-Gal allots the beasts to the chantry