Texty: HIM. Dying Song.
I've seen you breathe life into the weakest of hearts
And heard you scream out loud the sweetest poem
Echo across the ocean, reminding me why I still try
To hold on to whatever is left of you and I
Shedding skin to a dying song
We hum along to the evening sun
Until we are no more
Little deaths to a dying song
Sound a lot like life
I've seen these dreams been crushed by a single thought
And felt the envy of sadness engulf the warmth
Buried alive under her eyes by exchanging signs
With tomorrow quivering in the loneliest light
Sound a lot like...
life and love
life and love with you
Crawl back into bed tomorrow's trembling at the sight of you and I
Sound a lot like...
Life and love
Life and love
Life and love (a dying song)
Life and love (a dying song)
(a dying song) with you
(a dying song) with you
(a dying song) with you
And heard you scream out loud the sweetest poem
Echo across the ocean, reminding me why I still try
To hold on to whatever is left of you and I
Shedding skin to a dying song
We hum along to the evening sun
Until we are no more
Little deaths to a dying song
Sound a lot like life
I've seen these dreams been crushed by a single thought
And felt the envy of sadness engulf the warmth
Buried alive under her eyes by exchanging signs
With tomorrow quivering in the loneliest light
Sound a lot like...
life and love
life and love with you
Crawl back into bed tomorrow's trembling at the sight of you and I
Sound a lot like...
Life and love
Life and love
Life and love (a dying song)
Life and love (a dying song)
(a dying song) with you
(a dying song) with you
(a dying song) with you
Я видел, как ты вдыхаешь жизнь в самое слабое из сердец,
И слышал, как ты прокричала самое сладостное стихотворение,
Его эхо пришло ко мне из-за океана, напоминая мне,
Для чего ещё стараюсь зацепиться за то, что осталось от нас с тобой.
Сброшенную кожу - умирающей песне,
Мы подпеваем вечернему солнцу, пока сами не пропадаем...
Оргазм - умирающей песне...
Это очень похоже на жизнь.
Я видел, как эти мечты разбиты единственной мыслью,
И чувствовал зависть печали *...*
*В глазах желание, и мы вздыхаем,
И завтрашний день мерцает в одиноком свете...
Сброшенную кожу - умирающей песне,
Мы подпеваем вечернему солнцу, пока сами не пропадаем...
Оргазм - умирающей песне...
Это очень похоже на жизнь и любовь,
Жизнь и любовь с тобой.HIMHIMPopulární požadavky