
Texty: Kelly Rowland. Other. No Future In The Past.

(feat. Nadiya)

Tout le monde danse pour s'evader
Tout le monde chante pour se liberer
C'est maintenant que l'histoire peut commencer
Et oublie le passe

You know what I mean
Get up and dance everybody
Get in the mood Give it all to me
When the night is foul get in the mood cause nothing lasts
There's no future in the past

If you know what I mean

Un jour il te faudra choisir
Entre le passe, l'avenir
Ne vis que de tes souvenirs
Pour enfin accepter d'en rire

Si tu veux passer de l'ombre a la lumiere
Et briser une a une toutes les barrieres
Tu le sais, tu peux compter sur moi

Everytime I wanna get back I know that I can turn to you,
Ne desespere pas
It's the kind of phrase that let me see your heart when looking in your eyes
Je serai la pour toi
You never let me down and help me see it through
And if I'm troubled no matter what I do
I got a hold on in trusting you


A quoi bon se voiler la face
There's no future in the past
Efface une a une toutes les traces
Qui t'obsedent et te menacent
Tu trouveras en toi la force qui deplace
Des montagnes de neige et de glace, dressees devant toi

Tu as tant evite, tellement espere
La vie ne t'a pas epargne
Et au fond des yeux
Comme agitant du feu
Tout ca ne sera qu'un jeu
Pour te relever, aller jusqu'au bout
Afin de te depasser, ne plus douter de tout
Dans ce monde qui est devenu fou


Everybody's dancing to escape
Everybody's dancing to break free
Now is the time for history to begin
And for you to forget the past

You know what I mean
Get up and dance everybody
Get in the mood Give it all to me
When the night is foul get in the mood cause nothing lasts
There's no future in the past

If you know what I mean

Someday you'll have to chose
Between past and future
Only live from your memories
To finally be able to laugh at them

If you want to pass from darkness to light
Paroles trouvees sur www.tourte.org
Et shatter one by one all the barriers
You know that you can count on me

Everytime I wanna get back I know that I can turn to you,
Don't give up
It's the kind of phrase that let me see your heart when looking in your eyes
I'll be there tourte for you
You never let me down and help me see it through
And if I'm troubled no matter what I do
I got a hold on in trusting you


Why bother looking the other way
There's no future in the past
Cover one by one all the trails
obsessing and threatening you
In you, you'll find the strength to move
Mountains made of snow and ice standing in your way

You have dodged a lot and hoped so much
Life is not going easy on you
But deep in your eyes, like a waving flame
All this will be a game
For you to get up again and go right to the end
So you overcome yourself, don't doubt of anything
In this crazy world
