
Texty: Saviour Machine. Rapture: The Seventh Seal.

"When these things come to pass,
Look up and lift your heads,
For your redemption is at hand ...
Because you have kept my command,
I will keep you from the hour of trial
Which shall come upon the whole world ..."

"Today you will be with me in paradise,
For whoever so lives and believes in me shall never die."

Blessed are the dead who die with Christ,
Blessed are the tribulation saints,
We will stand beside a sea of glass mixed with fire,
In the blood of the lamb we are saved ...

Behold, the multitude in white
Behold, the children of light
The silent bride, from life to life eternal,
We are truly born again ... God is calling all:
"The body of Christ, away ..."
"The body of Christ, away ..."

Translate the living, translate the living,
Recall my ambassadors, a war is about to follow ...

Behold, the aftershocks of time ..."