
Texty: Daryle Singletary. That's Why God Made Me.

Everybody always knew she belonged to him
Since kinder garden they were best of friends.
Their parents called it puppies love
But puppies know the deal
Jamie and jen knew it was real.

Her first day with glasses on jen wouldn?t go to school
Jamie showed up at her door grinning like a fool
In his Daddy?s horn rims she laughed until she cried
He said let them call us both four eyes

And he said God made your Mother so you would always have a friend
Your sister and brother to fight with now and then
God made your Father to show you what a man should be
And he knew you?d need someone to always love you that?s why God made me

Her senior year of high school they drifted apart
They both experienced their first broken heart
Jen meet a new boy made a bad mistake
She hasn?t seen him since that day
She waited for her Mom and Dad to come home from work
She didn?t know her best friend had called Jamie first
He showed up at her door and said I know things look bad
Why don?t we tell your Mom and Dad?


In five years they?ve added to their family
And the one who don?t much like Jamie
Last night at bed time he said where did I come from
I don?t look like the babies
I don?t look like you and Mom
Jamie said!! (Last Chorus)

God made your Mother so you would always have a friend
Your sister and brother to fight with now and then
God made your Father and that?s who I?ll never be
But he knew you?d need someone to always love you that?s why God made me