ALL SEVEN HOMELESS Christmas bells are ringing Christmas bells are ringing Christmas bells are ringing How time flies When compassion dies No stockings
Put your faith in what you most believe in Two worlds, one family Trust your heart, let fate decide To guide these lives we see A paradise untouched
I wrote a song six years ago while playing in a wedding band word got out and suddenly the band and I were in demand and all the couples all over Jersey
I jumped over the moon What? A leap of moon She's back I was in a tunnel Heading for this warm, white light Oh my God And I swear Angel was there And
Překlad: Original Broadway Cast. Závěrečná.
Překlad: Original Broadway Cast. Finále B.
Princeton: Purpose. It's that little flame That lights a fire Under your ass. Ha! Purpose. It keeps you going strong Like a car with a full Tank of gas