Now what have you done? what have you got? a new turn? now everythings clearer... well at least it is to you and now everythings music it's one big
Man it must be so cool You're barely out of high school, A seven album record deal, That was no big deal alright, Oh yeah. Too right you're always
Cancel your plans you're coming with me, Tell your old man not to wait up, This is our night this our weekend, This is our chance to mess things up.
Go put some cash in the meter, Meet at the end of the hall, Tell them to turn off the heater, We're gonna have us a ball, (Hey!) Why don't you get
Guess who woke up late again today Guess who's car is being towed away Guess who just got fired from work thats uninspired today Guess who didnt take
Překlad: Neznámý. Druhý den jsem potkal medvěda.
what he could see To see what he could see To see what he could see The other side of the mountain The other side of the mountain The other
The Pickup Bear. I know he has a Pickup Bear so as to pick up my friend Black. The Pickup Bear. I know he has a Pickup Bear with which to pick up
Wir bleiben noch a bisserl in der Heimat, bei der Scholle. Weil hier gibt es Blut, hier gibt es Boden, hier gibt es Berge und hier gibt es auch Zwerge
Ein Eisbar im Zoo hatte herrliche Plane Er putzte sich taglich und machte sich schon Er wollte das wussten sogar die Schwane Als ganz gro?e Nummer im
The other night I sat down to take a good look at the old heart of mine That old cedarwood - swing on my backpoarch gave me comfort.- and so did the