bein' what it, what she thought, she ought to be Other people fast pursuin' what she can't believe in 'Til she's free 'Til she's free She dreams, and
people fast pursuing what she can't believe in 'Til she's free, 'Til she's free. She dreams, and waiting inside her when she wakes; All that she needs
Překlad: Peter, Paul \u0026amp; Mary. Sní.
steady chasin that paper? Kanye West feat. Jamie Foxx ? ?Gold Digger? - ?You take my money, when I?m in need/Yeah, she?s a triflin? friend indeed/She certainly is/Oh she
dollars a gallon for some gas to get to work Tomorrow that's if you gotta get it, you can't swim in carpool You Rob Peter to pay Paul to make due Make