your own answers. 'Cause there's no safety in numbers anyway, Or in a new wave What about the new wave? Did you think it would change things? It's just safety in numbers
Show me the way They say safety in numbers I lift up my eyes to the sky And imagine a crowd Of hearts that surround me And give the me courage to die
ever Get near me again There is safety in numbers In numbers my friend There is safety in numbers In numbers my friend There is safety in numbers In numbers
I used to be alive And so beautiful inside Now I?ve lost my way An open book with a torn page Something?s missing in me. I?m losing control Behind these
Taught and raised the ways of the new world Right from wrong - It's only influential Generations pass - Provides no balance Safety in numbers - Not afraid
Hold me there Close to your heart In a blaze There in the dark Another Braswell On her way out Slept and tell Hold me there Close to your heart In a blaze
After all that we've been through I see you couldn't be true to me. And you know how hard I tried. Really thought you were the one but now you're just
And I'll try, but I can't and I won't let you waste my time. Patience. Something I don't have. I feel I've been deprived. Wake up. Put on her make up.
And I feel that I'm a victim of jilted childhood. Look what I have become. It just proves your lack of character. Had I known that you were trying make
Cut me down if you want to. Stick around. Stab my heart and break my crown. This mass fire consumed me. You're on the ground. Stumbling on the way back
Take my hand Don't even make a sound You're a finest one to what I've found All I need is Your commitment and your time It's fallen in to place Nothing
wanting you to know you've lost all taste Disrespect me and I'll smash your face. And I don't care if you sell your own. begin to stare grabing hold of
Send your dark salute. Lend your lung, hero. See I'm not the one to hear and sell. To take and sell. The only one around. The only one around. Brace yourself
Waited around for way too long. We all have to pass you if you don't move on. And I've got my sites set. No way I could miss with a perfect aim like this
Don't make this so hard. You know what it does to me. Why can't you see it kills me? Don't make me hate you. But it just builds inside. The times you
(Peters) No one can harm me This is my army No one can hurt me No one deserts me I'm walking up front you're lagging behind I want action don't need peace
Překlad: Bezva Sky. Předehra k bezpečí v početnosti.