host didst round me stand. The child of God can fear no ill, his chosen dread no foe... ...'Tis not from chance our comfort springs. thou art our trust, O King of kings
If you a weak motherfucker then you best bow down Show your respect, kneel or you might be next Pay homage to my rings, and witness the king [Killah Priest
prophet priest I pull out boxes and brooms And I gush like a groom For it's here I commune with A prophet, priest and king If I indeed am misperceived
Překlad: Priest, Killah. Svědek Král.
Překlad: Smalltown básníci. Proroka, kněze a krále.
you a weak motherfucker then you best bow down Show your respect, kneel or you might be next Pay homage to my rings, and witness the king [Killah Priest